4 November 2016 @ 12-2pm
For a context on the #smachedavo protest see this.
During the workshop we plan to use this dataset:
Twitter data scraped using a #smashedavo search from 14 October - 24 October is here (you don't need to download it, since you can load it directly into R from the online repository).
The code we plan to use in the workshop is here.
To execute the code with RStudio (to install see here) on your computer you need to
) to you computer by downloading and saving this file;File
and then Open file
;The file with the code file should appear in one of the four panels (usually top-left). on your screen.
You will immediately note that the lines in the code file have two colors: light-gray and dark-gray. Lines that begin with a #
are comments and are not actual lines of code. They are there to give you details on the code.
IMPORTANT: To actually execute a line in the code file you need to